Saturday, April 3, 2010

Khmer Fragility: Khmer leaders are treading in different paths within the same wagon

Politic is not about for power and wealth, but for dignity and bright future. CPPers have to be aware that the use of Preah Vihear and Khmer Rouge as the context to appeal for political support/gain have been easily fallen into trap of Vietnamese imperialism - near future if you guys don't wake up, your dignity and bright future will be hijacked by the foreigner - you die and your young kins will be also died.

All Khmers have to wake up - CCPers have to wake up - SRPers have to wake up - all have to wake up to capitalize on bright future politics and genuine interests of Cambodia.
Op-Ed: Khmer Young

While the world has been successfully transformed, the destiny of Cambodia is still the same. During the tug of war of the Soviet vs. US cold war, Cambodian leaders chose to extremely pursue their utopia political approach. But in the current competitive world of liberal economic shift, Cambodian leaders have chosen capitalism approach on the baseless structure.

This statement is verifiable. Khmer Rouge was created by the cold war at the competition between Russia and US. As a small particle of this game, Khmer Rouge is just a small part of Vietcong led by Uncle Ho to strike against the US. Conveying the absence of deep understanding and hatred breeding inside Pol Pot and other KR top leaders, VN had full insight to use this weakness to benefit their long term political agenda: pushing Pol Pot to a degree of uncertain disorganization inside their party. This effort, Vietnam had employed both spies and infiltrated cadres; and importantly disconnected all efficient communication among Khmer Rouge cadres through a policy of evacuation. One side of assumption pinpointed to the model of revolution which concerned the cleansing of old form of society in order to build a new purer form of society. But assumption has never been convinced because in China or Russia, they have never done or succeeded this; but why in Cambodia? So the empty-city policy was one of the triumphs to dis-organize the effective structure of Pol Pot's existing ignorance. With the effective agents to weaken the structure of KR organization from inside, and the understanding of mentality of the KR; surely "Khmer Rouge is in the trap of allowing their cadres to cruelly compete with each other until millions of people perished. More than this, many educated people and national talent manpowers were targeted to purge and eventually cleansed up."

Did Pol Pot and his cadres infect by some syndromes of diseases - psychological paranoid, mental illness, or hatred ignorance? Or they were hijacked by a special group to allow them falling into that stage until they can not stand up or recover it? - Special study and research have to focus on the true motivation behind the KR regime. As evidence, at the beginning the world look at Hilter as the key spearhead of genocide, but now they found out that the person behind Hilter was the real instigator.

Regarding Hun Sen and the CPP, currently they have possessed different policy from Pol Pot: Pol Pot was dragged to the hell, but Hun Sen is dragged to the heaven by the same naga-wagon. This naga-wagon was naturalized to become current superficial Vietnam.

Liberation from once disorganizing party, Cambodian people has been manipulated by the incumbent economic booming, security and peace. But in reality, Hun Sen and his colleagues including their mouth-speakers such as Kiev Kannaridh, Kuy Kong or Phay Siphan will relentlessly attack and hit any Khmers or Khmer leaders who don't follow their way although those Khmers and Khmer leaders try to work and point at the best beneficial solutions to Cambodia. Social structure has been built by the model of dictator leadership style disguising in the name of democracy. The effort of UN has been used to manipulate Cambodian people. Freedom of expression, the balance of power, the equality and quality of life have been entirely manipulative.

What is so serious for Cambodian future is the employing and abusing of power by many top leaders inside the CPP. Those leaders might not be Cambodian and they are planning to work as the special division to transform Cambodia into Vietnam in the near future. Many grassroots arm-force especially policemen are former Vietnamese soldiers. In the future, Vietnamese people can come to live in Cambodia freely. Current situation, Vietnamese illegal immigrants can apply for Cambodian citizens, make a living and live in Cambodia freely.

We understand that some top leaders inside Cambodia have been manipulated by specialists because of their unknown circumstances, but many of them are abusing their power because they are working to destroy Cambodia. On the other hand, Sam Rainsy has not yet demonstrated good management inside his political ring. Of course, there are many capable personnels working for the SRP but this party is in need to have a strong and effective political structure. Until now, we don't see that Sam Rainsy have any talent people around him especially we don't hear any voice as advisers of Sam Rainsy to speak any particular issue. One-man show leadership is really out of date now!

Politic is not about for power and wealth, but for dignity and bright future. CPPers have to be aware that the use of Preah Vihear and Khmer Rouge as the context to appeal for political support/gain have been easily fallen into trap of Vietnamese imperialism - near future if you guys don't wake up, your dignity and bright future will be hijacked by the foreigner - you die and your young kins will be also died.

All Khmers have to wake up - CCPers have to wake up - SRPers have to wake up - all have to wake up to capitalize on bright future politics and genuine interests of Cambodia.


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