Sunday, September 12, 2010

Is Olivia's Hair A Hit or Miss?

Olivia Palermo, 24, is most famous for being the villain on The Hills spinoff The City. Despite her so called evil attitude I just couldn’t stop staring at her since the moment I saw her. I am a straight female but I can definitely admire and appreciate a naturally beautiful women. That girl just has an amazing face structure, a beautiful wardrobe — sorry Whitney — and I’ve always envied her long luscious hair but now she has chopped it off!
To be honest, it isn’t anything drastic like getting a Victoria Beckham bob or pulling a Britney but I can’t seem to understand why! She caught up with at the Ports 1961 runway show on Sept. 10 and told us “it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. It’s a nice change.”
Not that she isn’t still absolutely stunning and hair does grow but I definitely prefer her with a bit longer do’. What do you think?

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