Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Polyvore: Inside My Closet Set #1

Inside My Closet Set #1

Inside My Closet are Polyvore sets that are inspired by the similar items I own.

I've always loved gold and black together, it's regal and dramatic. Red, my favorite color, is the perfect accent for this color combination. Gray is always good with black.

I love investing on timeless pieces like the ones above. I always go for sleek and polished, I was never the girl who would immediately follow a trend. I stick to the classics and whenever the eccentric side of me emerges, trust that I would pick something that would still go well with my basic wardrobe.

This is Inside My Closet Set #1.

What do you think of this set?

Are you like me or are you the trendy type?

*Click on the picture if you want to view the items individually.*

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